Some Things to Consider When Buying a Solar Power System
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Should you install solar battery storage in 2023?

Solar battery storage is a hot topic in Australia. Homeowners are eager to take advantage of the technology, but many are wondering if it will pay for itself.

Unfortunately, according to a new study, the answer is no. In 2023 the average payback time for a solar battery will be at least 11 years. Meaning that even if you invest in the most efficient battery on the Australian market, you're unlikely to see any financial return on your investment for over a decade. Of course, battery technology is constantly improving, so this number may change in the future. But for now, it looks like solar batteries are more of a long-term investment than a quick fix.

Get more than one solar quote and compare them

Any time you consider installing solar panels, getting multiple solar quotes is sensible. Not all solar installers are created equal, and there can be a big difference in price between companies. It's also essential to ensure that you're getting quotes from reputable companies with a good track record. There are a few solar installers out there who aren't very reliable, and you don't want to end up being stuck with a subpar installation.

By getting multiple solar quotes, you can at least make a good comparison and be sure that you're getting the best possible price for your solar panel installation.

Buy and install high-quality solar power system components

The phrase "you get what you pay for" is especially true regarding solar power systems. While saving a few dollars by opting for cheap components may be tempting, doing so will likely lead to disappointing results.

Cheap solar panels are often less efficient than more expensive models, producing less electricity per square metre of sunlight. In addition, cheap solar panels are often less durable than their more expensive, higher-quality counterparts. They are more likely to fail over time or become damaged. As a result, investing in high-quality solar power system components is essential for getting the most out of your investment. You will save money in the long run and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your solar power system is built to last.

Read more about the high cost of cheap solar power systems

Be aware of your rights as an Australian consumer

As a consumer in Australia, you have certain rights and protections under the law. For example, you have the right to safe and reliable products, the right to information about products and services, and the right to fair and honest treatment from businesses. If you feel your rights have been infringed, you can complain to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC).

The ACCC, the national consumer protection regulator, can investigate your complaint and take action against solar installation businesses that are breaking the law or not complying with the electrical standards.

If you're ever in doubt about your rights as a consumer, remember that you can always reach out to the ACCC for help.

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ACCC Purchasing a solar system

Know what size solar power system is right for your needs

With the high cost of electricity, more and more people are turning to solar power to meet their energy needs. But with so many different sizes and types of solar systems on the market, it can be difficult to know what size is right for your home or business.

Several factors should be considered when choosing a solar system, including the amount of sunlight your location receives, the size of your property, and your energy needs.

Generally, a small system is sufficient for most homes. In contrast, a larger kW system may be necessary for businesses or properties with high energy demands. Ultimately, the best way to determine the right size solar system is to consult with your solar installer, who can assess your specific needs.

Solar and Battery Calculator

Use a reputable solar panel installer

When you're ready to install solar panels, use a reputable CEC accredited solar panel installer.

The CEC accreditation ensures that your installer has the necessary skills and experience to install your solar panels correctly. In addition, an accredited installer will be familiar with the local building codes and regulations, ensuring that your installation meets all the requirements.

By using a CEC accredited solar installer, you can be confident that your solar panel installation will be carried out safely and professionally.

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