GTM Research has released its report on global solar inverter market shares and shipments in 2017, and found the top 10 solar inverter vendors in 2017 are: Huawei (26.4%), Sungrow (16.7%), SMA (8.7%), ABB (5.6%), Sineng (4.6%), TBEA SunOasis (3.9%), Power Electronics (2.9%), TMEIC (2.8%), Schneider Electric (2.6%), and SolarEdge Technologies (2.5%).

During 2017, a record 98.563 GW of solar inverters were shipped around the world, which is a 23% growth compared with 2016. The top-20 vendors shipped over 1 GW of products, accounting for 93% of global shipments, the highest since GTM began to keep track in 2010.

In terms of the segment market, three-phase string inverter shipments hit 46.233 GW in 2017 and grew 49% year-over-year. Central inverter shipments reached 42.382 GW. It is the first time that string inverter shipments exceeded those of central inverters by nearly 4 GW.

In terms of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technology, the research found string inverters achieved a better performance in energy yields, adaptability to complex environments, management granularity, reliability, and maintenance costs and have gained more popularity in large ground-mounted power plants. In China’s Top Runner program, string inverters have taken up more than 80% in power plants. The GTM report also found that string inverters have become the mainstream for large ground-mounted power plants.

News item provided courtesy of Ecogeneration -


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