The technology and the electricity consumer markets demands have forced the hand of some of Australia's largest power generation companies to get on board the renewable energy train or face ever falling profits.

Just a few months ago the large power companies Energy Australia, Origin and AGL were doing their best to get rid of the large and small scale energy targets (SRES and LRET0) eliminated from existence.

Recently the chatter from these companies has shifted to a focus on the potential growth of the residential solar power system market.

Both AGL and Origin indicated to investors that the traditional energy market systems that has served the for so long does not have a very bright future.

Generating power from coal is in decline as prices rise.

Bloomberg's New Energy Finance division has reported that from 2010 fossil fuel generated electricity has dropped by around 9.5%. At the same time demand for electricity has dropped by 6.7% as the Australian economy grew by 9%.

Home energy storage prices dropping

There has been much of hype about energy storage especially with the big announcement from Tesla with its now affordable energy storage system the Power Wall, which by the way has not even reached the store shelves yet, even sow this has stirred the energy storage pot to the degree that the big players have been caught off guard by the new generation of outside the box modern way of thinking.

Unofficial estimates have placed the installation cost of the Tesla Power Wall in Australian dollars @ $1,100 per kWh of energy delivery capacity, thats over $1,000 cheaper than what is available now.

The end of the solar called power grid and base load power may not be far away.


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